The Experimental Remote Viewing of Taal Volcano


The US Military conducted Remote Viewing in Taal in the late '80s. Remote Viewing is a term used by the military to conduct clairvoyance to "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.

"My wife wanted to get away, but I wanted to watch a little longer. The eruptions were not as strong as first.

About half an hour later, a deafening blast shook the island. It was time to leave."

The above quote was a recollection recounted by a Mr. Conrado Andal to a US operative that is seemingly doing training for remote viewing near Taal. Remote viewing is a method or ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance. This phenomenon is commonly known as clairvoyance. In the late '70s, the US Military Government established a scientific approach in studying psychic ability. Their purpose is to see if the latter is valuable for military purposes. The CIA consolidated this study in 1991 under the program name, Star Gate Project. The program ended in 1995, citing that remote viewing had not been proven to work by a psychic mechanism and was not used in any military operation.

Files on Taal Volcano can be found in one of the documents under the Star Gate Program under the "Remote Viewing Coordinator." The training seems like it was conducted on January 23, 1983. For what purpose, the file did not specify anything useful.

In the document, as mentioned above, there is a file on the Philippines with general information on its geography, economy, religion, population, etc. The Taal Volcano eruption was mentioned to describe the growing formation of the Philippines as a group of 7,100 islands (as of 1983). As the deadly eruption that happened in 1965 created a volcanic island within the caldera of Taal Volcano.


Another document containing sketches with handwritten notes labeled Taal Volcano conducted in October 1987. Could it be that the purpose of this remote viewing session is to predict the movement of the magma? I can only speculate as for this exercise is for, the document did not state.

Here is the full text from the document recounting an interview with Conrado Andal with the 1965 eruption.

" My wife wanted to get away, but I wanted to watch a little longer. The eruptions were not as strong as first.

About half an hour later, a deafening blast shook the island. It was time to leave."

Conrado Andal jammed 20 women and children into the same small boat we were using. They started north, away from the volcano's eruption center. They had traveled about two and a half miles when another explosion split the night.

"There was a big column of gas and steam," Mr. Andal said. "That was when the storm and electrical display started. It was just like Roman candles—flashes of red and yellow."

The eruption, possibly triggered by seepage of water from the lake into the depths of the earth, created its own thunderstorm. Billions of gallons of water, steam, gas, and mud churned into the air.

Mr. Andal remembered shouting to boatloads of refugees from the island to head north.

"I was afraid of the big waves that would come," he told us. His warnings could not be heard in the noisy night. Many of the volcano's victims drowned when seismic waves engulfed their overloaded boats.

You can find the document at