December update

Writing, recording, and producing the podcast is just the tip of the iceberg for Stories from the Barrio. The bulk of the work is research. Gathering facts and making sure that they are correct is complicated that you think in the age of misinformation. As much as we loved fringe information and urban myths—these things are only for our entertainment in the folklore section (the podcast) and shouldn't be treated as alternative facts. Since we gather information all the time, some stories and circumstances couldn't fit with any of our existing and future stories. This small but significant information still serves an excellent purpose for the education of our Philippine culture. Thus, we decided to add a blog section where we can have a venue for such stories. We also decided to open a twitter account for much smaller facts about our culture and history that can fit the 250 characters limit. Our twitter account will be more active compared to our stories section, and our blog will have content at least once or twice a month, so please be on the lookout as always. Our twitter account will serve as our platform for updates. Our Instagram will still share photos that we find on our research. So please, give us a follow on twitter, @barriostories, and Instagram @barriostories.

We also decided to revamp our homepage to help introduce more people to our website and ensure that they get to see what the whole site offers. We'll still make a few changes in the coming months.

Please enjoy our blog; we can't wait for you to hear our next episode as soon as we are done gathering facts for the article.

Nate Legaspi
Starting Big

It took me a month of writing, editing and recording the full episode of the The Best Wingman,— ensuring that it can fit into a 2-minute mark for the perfect teaser. After that, I gave myself a month to work out of the full episode, but that journey took me approximately five months. From writing the story, building the website, writing articles for the first three episodes and finally be able to research on Aswang and particularly the Manananggal. But the research phase took more in-depth than I have expected, I have more questions than answers. I wasn’t confident enough to give out the information that I already have and put it out to the world. The good news is, I now have more information regarding most of the Philippines mythical creatures and the hidden history of my native country. Even though the article of Manananggal is finished, I will keep updating it as soon as I verify additional information regarding our favorite (or despised) winged creature. If you want to find out more how I work on Stories from the Barrio and activities on building future episodes, you can support me thru my Patreon account. For now, enjoy the fourth episode and hope to hear from you guys soon!