
Support Our Stories

You can support Stories from the Barrio by adding us to your favorite podcast player. I highly recommend Overcast and Castro on the iPhone and Pocketcast on Android. Using the built-in Podcast app on your phone is okay too. Rating the show on iTunes will help make it visible to other potential listeners. You can also share the podcast with your family and friends on social media.

Links pointed to Amazon and iTunes contains affiliated links. I get a small amount when you buy using the link. It won’t make a lot but any small amount can help with funding more stories.

I’ve also set up a Patreon account, so anyone who would want to support the show financially can do so. Any amount can help us in research, writing, and production of the show. You can also sponsor an episode thru Patreon. You can contact us if you have any comments, suggestions, corrections, or if you just want to say hi.

Thank you to our monthly supporter, Chinkey Llave.