Episode 3: The Best Wingman Transcript

Dating in the olden days in the Philippines is more challenging than you think. Dating outside the house is frown upon. You can pass on love letters if you will, but if you wanted to be taken seriously, you have to visit the girl’s home for formal courtship. It may take months or years being grilled by her parents, getting pestered by her siblings, before you can even talk to the girl you like. Courtship also includes bringing gifts, not just for the girl that you adore but also to her entire family. You need a wingman that can play the guitar and sing-along with you as serenading in front of her house is a must. Getting her to open her window as you sing and getting invited only guarantees you an audience. If you’re lucky, you’re the only visitor of the night. Otherwise prepare to meet your rivals.

My uncle, on the other hand, faced a difficult challenge. He lived in a small seaside town in the south of Luzon. The girl that he liked lived in another nearby small island. Getting there was a twenty-minute motorized boat ride. Fortunately, he had the right wingman for the job. Literally a real wingman, his best friend is a “Manananggal.” A “Manananggal” is a mythical creature that can severe it’s upper torso and sprout large bat-like wings and sucks other people’s blood. Being friends since they were kids, he regards him as harmless as he only inherited his gift recently from his grandfather. Now, the only challenge left is having his best friend hold him while flying over the ocean, while carrying his friend’s lower torso, a guitar, and several other gifts.

The night is young, and their trouble is just getting started.

This is Stories from the Barrio. Folk stories and real stories passed on by friends and families.